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National Seafood Council included in Congress' Spending Bill

December 23, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Matt McAlvanah (202-719-9999)

FY23 Government Funding Bill Includes Request to Pursue National Seafood Council Move continues momentum to establish a national seafood promotion campaign

Washington, D.C Today, Congress passed a $1.65 trillion bill funding the federal government for Fiscal Year 2023; the bill now heads to President Biden to be signed into law. In the bill’s accompanying report language, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) included a directive to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to issue a report on how to reestablish and fund the National Seafood Council. The subcommittee’s language mirrors that of the Seafood Marketing Act, introduced by Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) in September, and represents a significant step toward funding a national seafood promotion campaign. “We are very excited that Congress included language on the National Seafood Council in this bill,” said Matt McAlvanah, Campaign Director for America's Seafood Campaign. “Reestablishing the NSC would deliver a boost to the industry and go a long way to growing seafood’s share of plate across the country.” The inclusion of the National Seafood Council in the FY2023 government funding bill is in large part due to the advocacy of America’s Seafood Campaign - an industry-led movement headed by the National Seafood Council Task Force to unite the seafood community and secure funding for a national seafood promotion campaign. “This is a crucial step in achieving our important goal of supporting public health and job creation through seafood, and demonstrates how the seafood industry can have a greater voice when we share seafood’s impactful story as a unified group,” added Linda Cornish, Founder and President of Seafood Nutrition Partnership. The promotion campaign would educate consumers on the public health benefits of seafood consumption, at a time when more and more Americans are looking for nutritious and sustainable meal options. “The scientific consensus is clear: eating seafood at least twice a week is critical to a well-rounded, healthy diet,” explained Cornish. “Unfortunately, many Americans are not aware of the important health benefits from seafood that we critically need to support brain and heart health. We’re excited to build greater awareness with funding for an education and promotion campaign around the public health benefits of seafood and grateful to our hardworking Congressional champions.” The next step will come next year, when appropriators in Congress will need to allocate the funding for a National Seafood Council.




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